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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2006.23 - Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Wednsday, March 29, 2006

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Pranams. It has been decided by Rev. Master that the two celebrations i.e. The Birth Anniversaries of Rev. Lalaji Maharaj and Beloved Babuji Maharaj has been decentralised and will be celebrated, centre wise as a ONE day celebration. Rev. Master has been very kind enough and permitted us to hold the 24th JULY celebration on a large scale as a BHANDARA. This shall be pattern in the years to come, with only ONE major BHANDARA being celebrated – the Birthday celebrations of our Beloved Master CHARIJI, on a large and collective scale. I am sure many abhyasis may be aware that the 80th Birth Anniversary celebrations of our Beloved Master CHARIJI, the most important for us abhyasis, will be celebrated at Chennai in 2007, but I am happy to inform you all that Rev. Master has been very kind to permit us to hold His 79th Birth Anniversary Celebrations this year at  RAIPUR (Chattisgarh) from the 23rd JULY to 25th JULY 2006. All functionaries are requested to inform the abhyasis of this joyous information. The details about the celebration will be circulated in due course of time. I am happy to enclose Rev. Masters permission to announce this, and I am sure all abhyasis will be very happy with this announcement and will attend the celebration in full.

Rev. Master wrote:

Yes, the two celebrations of the birth anniversaries of Pujya Lalaji sahib and my Master can be decentralised, and have in fact been already made so, but this can be confirmed anew. I approve of Raipur for the 24th July meet. Of course it can rain heavily there too, but then that cannot be helped. You may announce this as a decision. All those who have sent in their delegate donations to the Lucknow centre can have the same transferred to the July 24th celebration, and that should make them happy. You may take necessary action after you have decided about the venue etc. Love to all.

With Love and Master's Blessings,

The Raipur centre abhyasis are very happy and have assured me that they will work united and make this celebration a memorable one for all of us, and will try their best to make Rev. Master happy in all ways. I pray to Beloved Master to bless us and guide us in making this celebration an unique spiritual event for the evolution of all mankind.

Love and Regards
Ajay Bhatter