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Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation

The Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, or SMSF, is a non-profit charitable trust dedicated to fulfilling civic and social responsibilities. The Foundation is a sister organization of Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM).  SMSF is, as it were, SRCM’s window to the world, its public face. In promoting spiritual education for all and the principles of tolerance and love among people, SMSF offers instruction in the Sahaj Marg (Natural Path) system of meditation. The Foundation is responsible for conducting programmes in the fields of spiritual training, education and research.

The Foundation also provides retreat facilities, meditation centres, a free health clinic and free meals.


So the Foundation will be ninety percent oriented to social and physical life; Shri Ram Chandra Mission will be oriented ninety-nine percent towards spirituality. Between the two, they will balance each other.

- Chariji