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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2013.36 Thursday, 8 August 2013

Dear brothers and sisters,

The Whispers messages have been available to us via email for the past few years, and it is now evident that many abhyasis would also like to access these messages while travelling. Therefore we are introducing an additional Whispers format that is designed for mobile devices with larger fonts. This version will be easier to read, as it eliminates the need to scroll horizontally. Starting tomorrow, an additional pdf file (entitled "mobile_message.") will be sent along with the usual attachment which is intended for normal use on the computer (entitled "message_..."). Abhyasis will be able to open the relevant attachment based on the device they are using. Existing users will be sent both attachments to test for a few days, during which we would request the following:

  1. Those who do not wish to receive the mobile version need not take any action. They will automatically be reverted back to receiving the Whispers messages as before, without the mobile format.
  2. Those who wish to continue receiving Whispers in the mobile format as well as the usual format should subscribe via the link http://www.srcm.org/lists/dw/dw.jsp.
    These subscribers will then be removed from the existing email distribution (without mobile-friendly version) and will henceforth receive one email with both attachments: one for normal use and the other in the mobile-friendly format.

Any future subscriber who subscribes to Whispers for Mobile Devices will also get both attachments: one for normal use and one in the mobile-friendly format.
We hope that this will make the Whispers messages available to the greatest number of abhyasis, wherever they may be.

A note: Due to technical limitations, The Special Messages will be sent to all only as a normal attachment even if you have subscribed for Mobile version.