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Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM)

Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) was registered in India in the year 1945. The Mission is considered a non-profit spiritual organization in India, and in all the countries where it is registered.

Over the years, the Mission has grown enormously. It now has more than 1,000 centres in India, and is present in 90 countries spread over all the continents. There are more than 200,000 abhyasis worldwide practising the Sahaj Marg system of meditation.

The Mission does not charge any fees of any kind for this spiritual training.

SRCM is the skeleton around which the spiritual edifice of the organization is built. As such, it is meant to be virtually invisible but must nevertheless support the spiritual work of the Master and provide the services that are required by the abhyasis.

The current president of the Mission is Shri Kamlesh D. Patel.

Services Offered:

Instruction in Meditation: Instructors, referred to as prefects, provide introductory, one-on-one meditation instruction; ongoing individual meditation sessions; and support for the spiritual growth and understanding of abhyasis (practitioners).

Group Meditations: Abhyasis meet and meditate together in their local areas. Meditation centres offer a large number of materials - books, audio tapes, videos and DVDs - for further study and guidance.

Retreat Centres and Meditation Halls: There are many meditation halls and centres around the world to accommodate the growing number of spiritual seekers and those wishing to add spiritual values to their lives. Many offer overnight accommodations for members of Shri Ram Chandra Mission.



My Mission is my Master’s Mission. To offer to a suffering humanity a simple, universally acceptable, easily practicable system of practice which, in a short space of time, will enable them to find within themselves what they have been desperately, stupidly, unsuccessfully seeking outside.

- Chariji