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Card Request Batch - New

  • Creating a new card request batch is a somewhat indirect task since a new batch is created automatically on assigning a card request.
  1. First create a set of card requests, as in Card Request - New
  2. Next, search for those card requests, which will be in Draft state, as in Card Request - Search
  3. Select all the card requests to go into the next batch using the checkboxes and click on Assign batch link
This is on the top right of the Search page, below the red bar. If it is missing, click on the << icon, again on the right, below the red bar, to expand the right navigation bar.
  1. A dialog pops up, click on the Assign Batch button to assign to the next batch
  1. Assign batch can be done from the edit window for a single card:
    1. Create an id card request for an abhyasi, as in Card Request - New
    2. Save the request first, and then click on Save and Edit
    3. Next, click on Assign batch link. It will be in the same position as on the Search page
    4. If there is already an open batch (Status - Batch Created), this request will be added to that batch.
    5. Otherwise, a new batch will be created and this request will be added to it
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