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Annual All India Essay Writing Event 2009 Results

SRCM and United Nations

As the curtains come down on the All India Essay Writing Event 2009, and before the 500,000 enthusiastic participants scroll down with bated breath to discover the fruit of their efforts,it may be worthwhile to pause a moment and look back at what has collectively been achieved.

The 2009 edition of  the Annual All India Essay Writing event , presented by Shri Ram Chandra Mission[SRCM] in partnership with the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan [UNIC] has been received with spectacular and unprecedented enthusiasm by educational institutions across the country. Over 500,000 students have participated this year, in what is now an inter-institution event of unparalleled magnitude and scale.

Essays written in all the 15 languages listed on our brochure, including Sanskrit, Oriya, Assamese and also some in Braille were received. After several levels of screenings, the top level, national prize winners have been selected for the best content, irrespective of language.

While numbers are always exciting and go a long way in benchmarking the success of any endeavour, we would rather dwell upon some of the finer nuances of the event which mere numbers cannot capture. The intention behind this event year after year has been to connect with the youth of our nation and help them to look within themselves for answers to problems that plague our world today.

An educational system designed to promote the pursuit of excellence is desirable, but what is also essential is the nurturing of the the heart  , which despite all our differences is the same for all human beings.

Therefore It is only fitting that  we  thank the visonary teachers from over 10000 instituitons for encouraging their students to be a part of this, the 5000 volunteers of SRCM who have tirelessly worked at taking this event to institutions all across the country, the students who despite the pressures of a demanding academic schedule have had the courage to participate in an event of this nature ,our partner The UNIC for their unstinting support and all others who have worked behind the scenes to make this a success.

While we heartily congratulate all the winners , we sincerely hope that this will only mark the beginning of a wonderful adventure for each one into themselves, and utlimately, in the hands of an enlightened generation,  the world will revel in the hope of a better tomorrow.

Note: All Prize winners will receive an official communication from their Local SMRTI coordinator.

The results of the event is given below.