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Instructions for Website Login

  1. If you have never signed in as a prefect and do not have an account for the web site http://www.sahajmarg.org, kindly send an e-mail to the webmaster at webmaster<at>sahajmarg.org requesting access. Please provide your name, centre and ID card number along with your preferred e-mail address when requesting access.
  2. If you already have an account but have forgotten the password, please follow the steps below to retrieve the same:
    1. Click on Sign In link.
    2. Click on the 'Forgot Password' link located below the 'Sign In' form.
    3. Enter the e-mail address on your account, complete the text verification code and then click on the 'Send New Password' button to have a new password sent to your e-mail address.
    4. Check the junk/spam folder if email not found in inbox
  3. In order to change your Password, please do the following:
    1. Click on Sign In link.
    2. Enter the email address on your account and your password and then click on the 'Sign In' button.
    3. After logged in successfully, click on 'My Account' link located in top right hand corner of the page.
    4. Click on the 'Password' link located in the right hand column under the 'User Information' section.
    5. Fill in the fields for Password and Enter Again to change your password. 
    6. Click on the 'Save' button located in the right hand column under the ‘User Information’ section.
  4. In order to change your First Name, Last Name and Display Name, please do the following:
    1. Click on Sign In link.
    2. Enter the email address on your account and your password and then click on the 'Sign In' button.
    3. After logged in successfully, click on 'My Account' link located in top right hand corner of the page.
    4. Click on the 'Details' link located in the right hand column under the 'User Information' section.
    5. Edit First Name, Middle Name and Last Name fields
    6. Click on the 'Display Settings' link located in the right hand column under the 'Miscellaneous' section.
    7. Edit the value in Greeting field which will be displayed in top right hand corner of every page in the website
    8. Click on the 'Save' button located in the right hand column under the ‘User Information’ section.
  5. Please make a note of your Password to avoid making future requests for password reset. Keeping these requests to a minimum will help the web site team invest their time in the improvement and development of new features in the Mission’s web sites.