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Card Request - Receive

When the abhyasi picks up the ID card, s/he should sign & date the tracking sheet. If somebody collects on behalf of the abhyasi, please collect the name & ID, along with signature & date. Next, update the card request:
  1. Search for the card request as described in Card Request - Search
  2. Click on the pencil icon on the left of the card request to edit
  3. A new window pops up with the card request details
  4. Scroll down to Card Delivery Date
    1. Enter the delivery date
  5. Next, in Card Delivered to
    1. Enter "ABHYASI" if picked up by abhyasi him/herself
    2. Else enter details of the person who collected the ID card
  6. Finally, scroll ALL the way down and click on the "Card Delivered" button
  1. In case the card is NOT delivered for some reason (card problem, incorrect name, etc.), click on "Card Not Delivered" button
  1. Please note the card request must be in either "Delivered" or "Not Delivered" before a new Card Request can be created.
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