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Card Request Batch - Edit

  1. Search for a specific card request batch as in Card Request Batch - Search
  2. Click on the red-and-yellow pencil icon to edit the batch (Editing is allowed only if the batch is in Batch Created state)
  3. These edits can be done:
    1. Deleting records from the batch (if the number of records in a batch change, remember to go to Workflow Actions at the bottom of the page and click on Re-calculate Amounts)
    2. Processing Notes
    3. Changing Payment Details
      1. Amount Paid - to update automatically, click on Re-calculate Amounts
      2. Currency - INR (Rs) for India
      3. Click on the red-and-yellow pencil icon to the left of the row to edit a specific Donation Payment
  4. To close a batch and submit for processing, click on the Submit button
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