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Vrads Sande Retreat Centre - Useful Tips

"His authentic Voice may be resounding in every heart, though it may not be audible to any one of them on account of the clamour of innumerable voices within. All these voices, my dear brother, must necessarily be silenced in order to catch the vibrations of the Voice of Silence..."
Shri Ram Chandra, "Letters of the Master", 27 July 1956



  • Create an atmosphere of quiet contemplation and reflection. Observe silence to the extent possible and avoid unnecessary conversation.
  • Diary writing is an essential part of our abhyas. It is no less important during your retreat, as it encourages you to be more alert to the changes in your condition and practice.
  • While there is no set schedule for the day, Master encourages that each retreatant includes a few periods of daily physical exercise. This will help to sit more frequently in meditation.
  • To make the most of your retreat you are advised to stay on the ashram property during the entire time of your stay. If you wish to leave the premises please inform the resident prefect.
  • Coming with an open heart, ready to accept whatever you are to experience, without expectation or personal agenda, is the most valuable attitude to bring to your retreat.


  • The weather in Denmark can be very changeable and even in summer, nights can be chilly. We recommend that, at any time of the year, you bring a torch, warm clothes, rain gear and house shoes or warm socks.
  • You can rent quilts, pillows and bedding against a fee of € 10 (DKK 75).
  • During the summer months there are mosquitos and ticks. If you are sensitive, please bring repellent, citronella, etc.
  • The running of the Retreat Centre and the Ashram is based on voluntary donations. The suggested donation to help us cover cost is € 25 to € 30 per day. We accept all major credit cards (Dankort, Visa, Master, Maestro). Please note that we cannot accept foreign cheques.
  • Since the nearest bank and ATM is 15 km away, you need to bring some cash (preferably DKK) for transport, laundry, etc. The national currency is Danish Crowns (1 DKK = app 7,5 €).