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Centres, Ashrams, Seminars & Gatherings

Shri Ram Chandra Mission started in Shahjahanpur, a city in northern India in 1945 and has now touched all the continents offering a simple yet unique (revolutionary) Sahaj Marg method of meditation to souls in search of a spiritual path. SRCM has now Ashrams and centres in 90 countries ... find a centre

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Celebrations and Gatherings

"These celebrations are meant to focus our total attention – body, mind and soul – on the remembrance of the Master, our great Masters. They are not meant as a festival, even though there is an element of celebration. There is the permission to enjoy the inner state that should be created on such occasions, such wonderful spiritually grace-filled occasions... "     - Chariji (HeartSpeak 2006) click for details

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An ashram is a place where one goes to find rest and obtain shreyas, that is, spiritual well-being and spiritual  growth. The ashrams of Shri Ram Chandra Mission are reserved for meditation and training. Ashrams are places of work and rest for all practitioners of Sahaj Marg to visit ... read more on ashrams

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CREST - Centre for Research, Education, Sadhana and Training

CREST has been established in India by Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation with the aim of providing participants with a panaromic spiritual education to inspire an inner appreciation of multiple religions, cultures, philosophies and ideologies, realizing that the essence of these various paths is the same ... read more on CREST

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Retreat Centres

As the outside world is becoming more and more agitated, finding a place to take a pause, isolate ourselves and dive deep inside is the dream of any sincere spiritual aspirant. Under the Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, several retreat centers have been built in the last few year all around the world to answer this need ... read more about Retreat Centres