Pune Retreat Centre - Purpose
The minimum required stay at the Retreat is three nights and you may stay for a maximum of fifteen nights. Applicants who wish to stay beyond their approved period may extend their stay with the permission of the Retreat manager in charge. The maximum stay allowed including such extensions should not exceed fifteen nights.
The following extract from Rev Master's talks gives the purpose and guidelines for the Retreat Centre.
"The Retreat ... is proposed to have a preceptor couple living in this facility to give sittings when necessary. Please note that this is not an ashram, and there will be no daily meditation and things like that, since this is essentially for you to retreat into yourself, introspect, brood over your condition as Babuji Maharaj has advised, do some writing if you wish, and go back into life spiritually fresh, mentally refreshed, and fit in body and mind. The facility is of course free of all costs, as everywhere else in Shri Ram Chandra Mission, but of course, you have to pay for your own transport, and such other facilities as you may need personally with you. Telephone facilities will be available onsite for limited use ..."
Given below are some additional suggestions for your benefit:
- Avoid disturbance to fellow abhyasis. Cell phones/landline calls to be made only during meal timings.
- Children are not permitted at the Retreat Centers.
- Keep the Centre clean at all times.
- Use hand torches in the dark.
- Be careful of insects/mosquitoes, scorpions and snakes. Bring mosquito repellant with you.
- Please do not use radio or TV.
- You are on a spiritual retreat. Avoid going shopping, sightseeing, et cetera.
- Carry raincoat/umbrella in monsoon season(June through October).
- It is now compulsory that all abhyasis over 60 years of age get a doctor's certificate certifying that the applicant is in good physical health to permit him/her to go into a retreat.
- Dress code is to be strictly adhered to. Shorts and lungis are not permitted for men. Maxis and short, low cut dresses are not permitted for women.
- Please contact the manager for any assistance.