Accept Suffering
Speech given by Rev. Master on 30th April 2008 at Moscow, Russia
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I was not intending to speak this morning. [Speaks in Russian, Translation: Because I don’t have any teeth!] [Laughter.] And also I have a problem with my throat and my breathing. But this is a most auspicious occasion, when we have my Master’s spiritual presence here with us. It augers well for the future of these great countries and by His grace, and with His love, you must all help in spreading this great system of Sahaj Marg throughout these lands—Russia, Belarus, et cetera—because in these countries you have a very ancient tradition of religion, of culture, art and music. There is a good background of these traditions in you all, which must not be wasted.
The most important benefit you have is seventy years of suffering. I say this because without suffering, there is no spirituality. God has been very kind to you all, because you have the foundation for sure success in your spiritual life. Here I have to say one word of caution. Don’t get pulled into this glamorous Western existence of luxury, waste and consumption-oriented life. I know how much they suffer in the West because of all these affluences they have. Because they don’t know suffering, they don’t want suffering, and they will avoid suffering at any cost.
The spiritual tradition insists that we must voluntarily accept suffering by living simple lives—not wasting Nature’s resources, nor our own, in wasteful attitudes, occupations—and, except to earn a living to live a reasonably good life, we should put all our energies into going back to our Original Home. On this auspicious occasion, I invoke my Master’s blessings on you all.
Thank you.