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Create the Habit of Heartfulness Meditation

Bulletin 2022.17 - Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Dear sisters and brothers,

Greetings to you all.

Daaji has been reminding us to create good habits and bring automatism into our practice of Heartfulness, for example, during the birth anniversary of Pujya Babuji on 30 April 2022. And around 18 months back, he encouraged and inspired us to develop an online self-learning platform with programs designed to create the habit of Heartfulness.

We are delighted to launch the first of these programs entitled "Quest for Joy and Well-being", that focuses on Heartfulness Relaxation and Meditation.

The program has 21 modules to be done over 21 days for 25 to 30 minutes each day. Each module has a practice component of 20 to 25 minutes, and some inspirational content for 5 to 10 minutes. The inspirations are practical, on the science of meditation, and some wisdom bites from others.

Quest for Joy and Well-being is suitable for newcomers, who have recently been introduced to Heartfulness (those who have had at least 3 introductory meditation sessions) and equally for seasoned practitioners who wish to rejuvenate and stabilize their routine of practice.

The program is available at learning.heartfulness.org and is free of charge.

We welcome and invite you to try the program and to pass it on to any newcomers you know. We also provide space during the program for feedback so that we may continuously improve.

We hope this program helps you in your quest for joy, and in strengthening the habit of Heartfulness.

If you have any questions, please contact us at learning@heartfulness.org.

Heartfulness Learning Team.