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Things to Do Before and During the Bhandara

2022.23 Sunday, 25 September 2022

Dear sisters and brothers,

If you haven't done so already, please download the Heartfulness App before reading further, as all information and updates will be available on the app.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you here at Kanha for the upcoming celebrations of Beloved Daaji’s birthday from September 27 to 29, 2022. Registration as well as accommodation is still available in case you have last minute plans to come.

Please register prior to coming.

Timings of the group meditations:

  • Tuesday, September 27, 2022: 5:30 pm IST
  • Wednesday, September 28, 2022: 6:30 am, 11 am, 5:30 pm IST
  • Thursday, September 29, 2022: 6:30 am IST

For those who would like to join online, please subscribe to the Heartfulness YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/c/heartfulness for access to all live sessions and videos. The bhandara meditations and programs will be available at this link every day: https://hfn.link/daaji.

Daaji's Message

Beloved Daaji has shared his thoughts with us via his messages in every bhandara. He has suggested for every abhyasi to re-read his message from Pujya Chariji's birth anniversary before receiving the message that will be released for this upcoming bhandara.

For ease of access, we are providing the message from Pujya Chariji's birth anniversary in audio, video and webpage format for English, Hindi, and Telugu languages, while the PDF continues to be available for download.

Please note that the printed copy of the bhandara message for Beloved Daaji's birthday will be available for sale this time at the Kanha bookstore, Books and More, as well as HFNlife stalls.. Later on, a soft copy will be available online, while the printed version will be available via https://hfnlife.com/

The Wisdom Bridge Release

Beloved Daaji’s much awaited book will be released on September 28, and will be available at the bookstore, Books and More, for those who are visiting Kanha Shanti Vanam. All traveling abhyasis are requested to check for copies at bookstores in airports, railway stations, and near their residences to generate more interest for this book everywhere.

In case you have not yet received the first chapter for download, please download it and provide your feedback to daaji@heartfulness.org

The Amazon link for ordering the book is at hfn.link/preorderTWB

Places to visit while at Kanha

An updated map of Kanha is available at Bhandara Map

All abhyasis are especially requested to visit our Heartyculture Nursery to learn more about the Forest by Heartfulness project and Daaji’s vision of afforestation across the globe. A lot of new areas have been developed at Kanha in the last couple of years, including the Yatra Garden, which are worth visiting.

Helpdesks will be located all around the campus.

Heartfulness Research

The Heartfulness Research Team is conducting a study to scientifically analyse the impact of spiritual bhandaras on our day-to-day life. Practitioners who have been meditating for at least 3 months are invited to fill in a survey before and after attending the bhandara. We look forward to your participation.

Warm regards,
Kanha Celebrations Team