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Learn Heartful Communication in Kanha!

2024.39 - Wednesday, 3 July 2024

“The impact of HC is going far beyond communication itself, and is having an enormous effect on people’s overall spiritual condition, and on their overall happiness”. – Daaji

Dear sisters and brothers,

Following Daaji's wish that every abhyasi experience and learn the transformational process of Heartful Communication, we're happy to offer 3-day workshops in English: 'Fundamentals of HC', on-site at Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad, India, with a choice of the dates below.

This may be your first HC program, or you may have already participated in an online HC training and wish to refresh your learning via a lively in-person workshop!

Workshops will be conducted by a team of trained HC facilitators led by Director Liz Kingsnorth.

Every interaction should Elevate us - Daaji


  • 12-14 July [Closed]
  • 16-18 August
  • 13-15 September
  • 11-13 October
  • 15-17 November
  • 27- 29 December


  • 24-28 January [5 day intensive]
  • 21-23 February
  • 21-23 March
  • 25-27 April


Friday and Saturday: 9.15am - 5.30pm.
Sunday: 10.15am – 5.30pm.

Abhyasis who would like to participate, kindly note the following:

  • as sessions begin promptly at 9.30am you will be required to arrive in Kanha on Thursday, the day before the start date, and leave only after the final session on Day 3 (i.e., after 5.30pm)
  • full attendance for all sessions during the 3 days is essential
  • a good command of the English language is absolutely necessary for this interactive workshop
  • course reading material will be made available to you after Registration
  • participation is based on voluntary donation which can be done online at DONATE HERE or onsite at Kanha during the workshop

Heartful Communication offers a new awareness, a shift in our consciousness that supports us to listen and express from a meditative state, authentically with our hearts, even under pressure. We learn to connect empathically with ourselves and others, to transform judgement, blame and criticism into caring, respectful interactions. Central to HC is the cultivation of awareness as a first step to making changes. Practitioners report their experience of more harmonious joyful relationships and their discovery that this is a profound ‘way of being’.

For further information on Heartful Communication and this program, please visit our website https://heartfulness.org/heartful-communication/ from where you can register.

We look forward to welcoming you in Kanha!

With love,
HC Team
Email: hc@heartfulness.org