2024.41 - Thursday, 11 July 2024
Dear sisters and brothers,
We are thrilled to present a diverse range of wellness workshops that will be offered at Kanha Shanti Vanam during the second half of 2024. Expert faculty from around the world will conduct immersive workshops designed to empower your path to holistic well-being. Learning how to take care of yourself and your loved ones means promoting good health, preventing illness, and understanding principles governing health and well-being.
For any inquiries, please write to wellnessacademy@heartfulness.org .The proceeds from these workshops contribute to the various non-profit initiatives undertaken by Heartfulness Institute.
On-the-spot registrations will be open on the days of the workshops.
Acupressure (Reflexology) – 19, 20, 21 July 2024
- Introduction of foundational acupressure techniques.
- Practical experience of the acupressure techniques.
- Educate participants on some approaches to treatment through acupressure.
- Preserve Indian traditional methods through acupressure.
Faculty: Dr. Rakesh Dashora, Udaipur, and Vaidhya Smt. Jagruti Bhatt, Kanha Shanti Vanam, India.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/acupressurerefloxology
Blueprint of the subconscious mind through handwriting analysis: graphology for wellness – 20, 21 July 2024
- Learn how handwriting is a map of our subconscious patterns.
- What can be changed to create a shift in our mindset.
- Prepare a practice plan to make fundamental changes in our behavioral patterns.
- Create vital well-being in life with this unique approach.
Faculty: Shri Lakshmanan, Kanha Shanti Vanam, India.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/blueprintofsubconsciousmind
Sujok Therapy Introductory Workshop – 27, 28 July 2024
- Originating in Korea, the term "Sujok" is derived from two Korean words: "Su" meaning hand and "Jok" meaning foot. This therapy is based on the concept that the hands and feet are mirror images of the body, and contain specific points that correspond to different organs and systems. By stimulating these points, Sujok therapy aims to promote healing and balance within the body.
- Sujok Therapy: physical aspects of treatment.
- Simple treatment procedures for everyday use.
- Seed application, moxibustion, color therapy with Sujok.
- Practical treatment applications for family and self.
Faculty: Ajay Singh, Kolkata India.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/sujoktherapy
Quantum Therapy – 3, 4 August 2024
- Unlock the hidden potential of your body’s energy systems with Quantum Therapy. li> Explore the powerful connection between your thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being.
- Heal yourself and your friends and family in this simple, easy, and safe way.
Faculty: Ekta Bouderlique and Francois Bouderlique, Kanha Shanti Vanam, India.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/quantumhealing
Sound Healing – 17, 18 August 2024
- Experience the soothing power of sound as it resonates through every cell of your being.
- Learn how sound healing utilizes ancient and modern sound therapy techniques to restore energy flow, reduce stress, and enhance relaxation.
- Immerse yourself in a symphony of healing frequencies and find inner tranquillity.
Faculty: ‘Sound’ Bala Senthil Kumar, Chennai, India.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/soundhealing
Alkaline Lifestyle: Natural foods – 31st August & 01st September 2024
Our brand new workshop is a terrific new approach to becoming fit for life!
- Healing foods.
- ?Regular fasting in daily practice. The right way to an ultimate cure.
- Simple breathing techniques for a healthy life.
- Create a mystical ‘kitchen'.
- ?Understand the science of food and medicinal Interactions.
- ?Related discussion, documentaries and much more.
Faculty: Swati Thoda, Mumbai; Shri Jignesh Shelat, naturopathy consultant, Ahmedabad; Ekta Bouderlique, lifestyle coach, Quantum Therapist, Kanha Shanti Vanam, India.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/alkalinelifestyle
Heartfulness Polarity for medical professionals – 31st August to 01st September 2024
- A fascinating new workshop to enhance your medical practice with transformative techniques that integrate ancient wisdom to radically optimize modern healthcare.
- Learn Heartfulness Polarity: techniques and exercises for medical professionals.
- Learn how doctors have been integrating innovative holistic techniques to enhance health care with a special focus on Cardiology, Oncology and Physiotherapy.
- Case study presentations.
Faculty: Dr. Haresh Mehta, Cardiologist, Mumbai; Dr Viji Balasubramanian, Medical Professional, Chicago, USA; Surekha Banda, Physiotherapist, Kanha Shanti Vanam; Kripa, Kanha Shanti Vanam.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/heartfulnesspolarity
Harmonising Mind & Gut: A Holistic Path to Mental Wellness – 25 , 26 September 2024
- The gut-brain axis connection plays a crucial role in our overall health and wellness, influencing various physiological processes, including digestion, metabolism, mood regulation, and immune function.
- Receive meaningful insights and practical tools for achieving wellness through a holistic approach.
- Explore the importance of sleep, nutrition, and colon hydrotherapy in maintaining a healthy gut-brain axis, and how this can positively impact our overall well-being.
- Learn practical ways on how to enhance gut health.
Note: To maximize the benefits of this workshop, we request that you undergo a series of blood tests before attending. A list of the required tests will be provided to you upon registration. Please bring the test reports with you to the workshop, where our doctor will analyze them and provide personalized insights and guidance. Faculty: Dr Sanjeev Sharma and Pooja Sharma, Australia
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/harmonisingmindandgut
Eurythmy – 2, 3 October 2024
Discover the art of Eurythmy, which was founded by Rudolf Steiner, It is a unique movement practice that harmonizes body, mind and spirit. This expressive form of movement fosters a state of balance, self-expression, and emotional well-being. Eurythmy's graceful gestures will guide you towards inner balance, promoting a sense of wellness.
Faculty: Lalao Randimbison, Switzerland.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/eurythmy
Regenerative Facial Therapy – 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 October 2024
- Regenerative Facial Therapy is a powerful, luxurious, holistic therapy that rejuvenates body, mind and spirit, with particular emphasis on the skin of the face.
- Learn massage techniques to regenerate tissues and release toxins held in the face, neck, head and shoulders to restore the skin's natural elasticity and suppleness, leaving you with a more youthful, relaxed radiance.
- Understand how this holistic approach replaces modern invasive surgical procedures for harsh and artificial antiaging treatments.
- Explore the body's innate wisdom based on this special fingertip method. Empower yourself as a therapist with this radical method.
Faculty: Ela Cozariuc, Romania.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/regenerativefacialtherapy
Brain Development and Primitive Reflexes in Neurobehavioural Disorders of Childhood – 5, 6 October 2024
- Learn how primitive reflexes provide crucial information about early brain development and the typical progression, from presence at birth to integration or disappearance within the first year of life, reflecting the maturation of the brain and nervous system.
- Learn how to transform retained primitive reflexes which may be one of the most important causative factors in neurobehavioural disorders such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and learning disabilities.
- Learn how monitoring these reflexes helps in the early detection of potential delays or disruptions in neurological development.
- Therapists, parents, and educators can learn how to integrate these retained primitive reflexes which can reverse and improve developmental delays.
Faculty: Dr Elisabeth Bouderlique, France.
Registration Link - https://hfn.li/braindevelopmentchildhood
Free Introduction Sessions:
We will share more information on the workshops in the following free online introduction sessions to give you an overview of what to expect in the workshops. Kindly WhatsApp or call +91 6302 418 549 to join.
- Quantum Therapy 5 pm IST 13th July.
- Blueprint of Subconscious Mind 7 pm IST 13th July.
- Acupressure Therapy 5 pm IST 14th July.
- Sujok Therapy 7 pm IST 14th July.
- Alkaline Lifestyle and Natural Foods 7 pm IST 21st July.
- Sound Healing 7 pm IST 27th July.
- Heartfulness Polarity for Medical Professionals 5 pm IST 28th July.
- Harmonising Mind and Gut 5 pm IST 25th August.
- Eurythmy 5 pm IST 24th August.
- Regenerative Facial Therapy 5 pm IST 8th September.
- Brain Development and Primitive Reflexes 5 pm IST 7th September.
Kanha Wellness Training